
DNA-binding transcriptional activator of copper-responsive regulon genes (RefSeq)
heavy metal resistance transcriptional regulator HmrR, MerR family (RefSeq)
transcriptional regulator, ArsR family (RefSeq)
DNA-binding response regulator in two-component regulatory system (RefSeq)
transcriptional regulator, ArsR family; putative SoxR protein (RefSeq)
putative histidine kinase with HK Homodimeric domain, ATPase domain and a sensory PAS domain (RefSeq)
putative response regulator receiver (CheY-like protein) (RefSeq)
sigma N (sigma 54) factor of RNA polymerase (RefSeq)
methyl-accepting chemotaxis receptor/sensory transducer with PAS domain (RefSeq)
hypothetical protein (RefSeq)