
sensory histdine kinase (soluble) in two-component regulatory system with GlnG, nitrogen regulation (nitrogen regulator II, NRII); Domains: HK homodimeric, ATPase and PAS (RefSeq)
putative transcriptional regulator, AsnC/Lrp family (RefSeq)
putative diguanylate cyclase (GGDEF)/phosphodiesterase (EAL), with PAS sensor, signal transduction histidine kinase and methyl-accepting chemotaxis domains; putative membrane-associated protein (RefSeq)
putative sigma-54 specific transcriptional regulator, Fis subfamily; ATPase and PAS domains (RefSeq)
putative transcriptional regulator, Crp/Fnr family (RefSeq)
two-component sigma-54 specific transcriptional regulator, Fis subfamily; with N-terminal response receiver, GAF and putative ATPase domains (RefSeq)
putative transcriptional regulator, TetR family (RefSeq)
heavy metal-dependent transcription regulator HmrR, putative copper efflux regulator CueR, MerR family (RefSeq)
PhoR-like sensor histidine kinase (RefSeq)
hypothetical protein (RefSeq)