The are 27 biclusters regulated by VNG1029C in the network Halo EGRIN 1.

Bicluster genes residual
2 31 0.34966
3 27 0.327646
12 30 0.325296
16 32 0.352365
19 16 0.340804
23 30 0.40739
24 31 0.361375
29 26 0.359928
40 10 0.341896
45 32 0.417831
49 31 0.323307
50 31 0.358209
52 8 0.348536
55 14 0.352311
61 28 0.418943
67 21 0.434298
71 23 0.35984
75 7 0.492969
79 31 0.352553
81 7 0.453964
88 20 0.369146
90 7 0.342881
110 11 0.381773
123 18 0.309106
175 7 0.387188
191 30 0.557105
263 30 0.669419

view network for these 27 biclusters