Conserved Domains
Portal ID | Gene | CD Name | CD Accession | CD Definition | Superfamily | Hit Type | Incomplete | Bitscore | E. Value CD | PSSM ID | From | To | CD Name | CD Superfamily | CD Accession Link |
webCD-Phatr-16854-239511 | PHATRDRAFT_16854 | GRX_GRXh_1_2_like | Glutaredoxin (GRX) family, GRX human class 1 and 2 (h_1_2)-like subfamily; composed of proteins... | cl00388 | specific | - | 127.271 | 3.79E-39 | 239511 | 18 | 100 | GRX_GRXh_1_2_like | cl00388 | cd03419 |