PHATRDRAFT_48538 vacuolar transporter chaperone (CYTH-like_Pase superfamily)
Phaeodactylum tricornutum

Chromosome Product Transcript Start End Strand Short Name
PHATRDRAFT_48538 chr_18 vacuolar transporter chaperone (CYTH-like_Pase superfamily) 151479 154682 -
NCBI ID Ensembl Genomes exon ID
Not available Not available
Expression Profile Conditional Changes Cluster Dendrogram
Normalized Mean Residue
Name CD Accession Definition Superfamily Bitscore E-Value From - To Hit Type PSSM ID
CYTH-like_Pase superfamily CYTH-like (also known as triphosphate tunnel metalloenzyme (TTM)-like) Phosphatases; CYTH-like... - 222.236 2.32E-65 217 - 509 superfamily 264489
DUF202 superfamily Domain of unknown function (DUF202); This family consists of hypothetical proteins some of which... - 68.5572 2.21E-13 582 - 691 superfamily 263935
T. pseudonana P. tricornutum P. tricornutum DiatomCyc F. cylindrus Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries E. huxleyi C. reinhardtii A. thaliana P. sojae
Not available Not available 257705 Not available 99672 Not available Not available Not available
KEGG description KEGG Pathway
Not available Not available
Not available -
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