SSL2-core TFIIH complex portion of NEF3 complex

id: GO:0000442
name: SSL2-core TFIIH complex portion of NEF3 complex
namespace: cellular_component
type: go
obsolete: False

Description: The SSL2-core TFIIH complex when it is part of the nucleotide-excision repair factor 3 (NEF3). It is composed of the tightly associated 5 subunit core TFIIH subcomplex plus one additional, less tighly associated subunit. The subunits are well conserved from yeast to humans. In S. cerevisiae, the 5-subunit core is composed of Rad3, Tfb1, Tfb2, Ssl1, Tfb4 and the loosely associated subunit is Ssl2p (also called Rad25). In humans, the 5 subunit core is composed of ERCC2, p62, p55, p44, p34 and the loosely associated subunit is XPB.

Parent Functions

GO:0000441SSL2-core TFIIH complex
GO:0044428nuclear part