determination of left/right symmetry

id: GO:0007368
name: determination of left/right symmetry
namespace: biological_process
type: go
obsolete: False

Description: The establishment of an organism's body plan or part of an organism with respect to the left and right halves. The pattern can either be symmetric, such that the halves are mirror images, or asymmetric where the pattern deviates from this symmetry.

Child Functions

GO:0003140determination of left/right asymmetry in lateral mesoderm
GO:0035469determination of pancreatic left/right asymmetry
GO:0035545determination of left/right asymmetry in nervous system
GO:0061371determination of heart left/right asymmetry
GO:0071907determination of digestive tract left/right asymmetry
GO:0071910determination of liver left/right asymmetry

Parent Functions

GO:0009855determination of bilateral symmetry