imaginal disc development

id: GO:0007444
name: imaginal disc development
namespace: biological_process
type: go
obsolete: False

Description: The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the imaginal disc over time, from its formation to the metamorphosis to form adult structures. Imaginal discs are epithelial infoldings in the larvae of holometabolous insects that develop into adult structures (legs, antennae, wings, etc.).

Child Functions

GO:0035213clypeo-labral disc development
GO:0035214eye-antennal disc development
GO:0035215genital disc development
GO:0035216haltere disc development
GO:0035217labial disc development
GO:0035218leg disc development
GO:0035219prothoracic disc development
GO:0035220wing disc development

Parent Functions

GO:0048513organ development