negative regulation of vitamin D biosynthetic process

id: GO:0010957
name: negative regulation of vitamin D biosynthetic process
namespace: biological_process
type: go
obsolete: False

Description: Any process that decreases the rate, frequency or extent of a vitamin D biosynthetic process. Vitamin D biosynthesis is the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of vitamin D, any of a group of related, fat-soluble compounds that are derived from delta-5,7 steroids and play a central role in calcium metabolism. Specific forms of vitamin D include calciferol (ergocalciferol; vitamin D2) and cholecalciferol (calciol; vitamin D3).

Parent Functions

GO:0010894negative regulation of steroid biosynthetic process
GO:0031327negative regulation of cellular biosynthetic process
GO:0046137negative regulation of vitamin metabolic process
GO:0060556regulation of vitamin D biosynthetic process