cranial nerve maturation

id: GO:0021605
name: cranial nerve maturation
namespace: biological_process
type: go
obsolete: False

Description: A developmental process, independent of morphogenetic (shape) change, that is required for a cranial nerve to attain its fully functional state. The cranial nerves are composed of twelve pairs of nerves that emanate from the nervous tissue of the hindbrain. These nerves are sensory, motor, or mixed in nature, and provide the motor and general sensory innervation of the head, neck and viscera. They mediate vision, hearing, olfaction and taste and carry the parasympathetic innervation of the autonomic ganglia that control visceral functions.

Child Functions

GO:0021601abducens nerve maturation
GO:0021606accessory nerve maturation
GO:0021613facial nerve maturation
GO:0021614glossopharyngeal nerve maturation
GO:0021619hypoglossal nerve maturation
GO:0021625oculomotor nerve maturation
GO:0021630olfactory nerve maturation
GO:0021632optic nerve maturation
GO:0021635trigeminal nerve maturation
GO:0021640trochlear nerve maturation
GO:0021643vagus nerve maturation
GO:0021647vestibulocochlear nerve maturation

Parent Functions

GO:0021682nerve maturation