metabotropic serotonin receptor binding

id: GO:0031821
name: metabotropic serotonin receptor binding
namespace: molecular_function
type: go
obsolete: False

Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a metabotropic serotonin receptor.

Child Functions

GO:0031822type 1B serotonin receptor binding
GO:0031823type 1D serotonin receptor binding
GO:0031824type 1E serotonin receptor binding
GO:0031825type 1F serotonin receptor binding
GO:0031826type 2A serotonin receptor binding
GO:0031827type 2B serotonin receptor binding
GO:0031828type 2C serotonin receptor binding
GO:0031829type 4 serotonin receptor binding
GO:0031830type 5A serotonin receptor binding
GO:0031831type 5B serotonin receptor binding
GO:0031832type 6 serotonin receptor binding
GO:0031833type 7 serotonin receptor binding

Parent Functions

GO:0001664G-protein coupled receptor binding