active evasion of host immune response

id: GO:0042783
name: active evasion of host immune response
namespace: biological_process
type: go
obsolete: False

Description: Any mechanism of immune avoidance that directly affects the host immune system, e.g. blocking any stage in host MHC class I and II presentation. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction.

Child Functions

GO:0042784active evasion of host immune response via regulation of host complement system
GO:0042785active evasion of host immune response via regulation of host cytokine network
GO:0042786active evasion of host immune response via regulation of host antigen processing and presentation

Parent Functions

GO:0020012evasion or tolerance of host immune response
GO:0051810active evasion of immune response of other organism involved in symbiotic interaction