development of symbiont involved in interaction with host

id: GO:0044115
name: development of symbiont involved in interaction with host
namespace: biological_process
type: go
obsolete: False

Description: The progression of an organism from an initial condition to a later condition, occurring in, on or near the exterior of its host organism. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction.

Child Functions

GO:0044114development of symbiont in host
GO:0044132development of symbiont on or near host
GO:0052093formation of specialized structure for nutrient acquisition from host
GO:0075015formation of infection structure on or near host
GO:0075035maturation of appressorium on or near host
GO:0075039establishment of turgor in appressorium

Parent Functions

GO:0044111development involved in symbiotic interaction