external encapsulating structure part

id: GO:0044462
name: external encapsulating structure part
namespace: cellular_component
type: go
obsolete: False

Description: Any constituent part of an external encapsulating structure, a structure that lies outside the plasma membrane and surrounds the entire cell.

Child Functions

GO:0009279cell outer membrane
GO:0030288outer membrane-bounded periplasmic space
GO:0031230intrinsic to cell outer membrane
GO:0031236extrinsic to external side of plasma membrane, in periplasmic space
GO:0031237intrinsic to external side of plasma membrane, in periplasmic space
GO:0031240external side of cell outer membrane
GO:0031241internal side of cell outer membrane
GO:0031244extrinsic to cell outer membrane
GO:0044426cell wall part

Parent Functions

GO:0044464cell part