regulation of synaptic plasticity

id: GO:0048167
name: regulation of synaptic plasticity
namespace: biological_process
type: go
obsolete: False

Description: A process that modulates synaptic plasticity, the ability of synapses to change as circumstances require. They may alter function, such as increasing or decreasing their sensitivity, or they may increase or decrease in actual numbers.

Child Functions

GO:0031914negative regulation of synaptic plasticity
GO:0031915positive regulation of synaptic plasticity
GO:0031916regulation of synaptic metaplasticity
GO:0048168regulation of neuronal synaptic plasticity
GO:0051913regulation of synaptic plasticity by chemical substance
GO:0060291long-term synaptic potentiation
GO:0060292long term synaptic depression

Parent Functions

GO:0050804regulation of synaptic transmission
GO:0065008regulation of biological quality