interaction with symbiont

id: GO:0051702
name: interaction with symbiont
namespace: biological_process
type: go
obsolete: False

Description: An interaction between two organisms living together in more or less intimate association. The term symbiont is used for the smaller (macro) of the two members of a symbiosis; the various forms of symbiosis include parasitism, commensalism and mutualism.

Child Functions

GO:0051850acquisition of nutrients from symbiont
GO:0051851modification by host of symbiont morphology or physiology
GO:0051855recognition of symbiont
GO:0051856adhesion to symbiont
GO:0051858avoidance of symbiont defenses
GO:0051862translocation of molecules into symbiont
GO:0052193movement in symbiont environment
GO:0052213interaction with symbiont via secreted substance involved in symbiotic interaction

Parent Functions

GO:0044419interspecies interaction between organisms