modulation by symbiont of host defense response

id: GO:0052031
name: modulation by symbiont of host defense response
namespace: biological_process
type: go
obsolete: False

Description: Any process in which an organism modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the defense response of its host, the response mounted by the host in response to the presence of the organism. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction.

Child Functions

GO:0033662modulation by symbiont of host defense-related protein level
GO:0034053modulation by symbiont of host defense-related programmed cell death
GO:0052032modulation by symbiont of host inflammatory response
GO:0052037negative regulation by symbiont of host defense response
GO:0052077modulation by symbiont of defense-related host ethylene-mediated signal transduction pathway
GO:0052080modulation by symbiont of defense-related host MAP kinase-mediated signal transduction pathway
GO:0052081modulation by symbiont of defense-related host salicylic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway
GO:0052082modulation by symbiont of defense-related host jasmonic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway
GO:0052084modulation by symbiont of host ethylene-mediated defense response
GO:0052089modulation by symbiont of host salicylic acid-mediated defense response
GO:0052090modulation by symbiont of defense-related host callose deposition
GO:0052161modulation by symbiont of defense-related host cell wall thickening
GO:0052162modulation by symbiont of defense-related host calcium ion flux
GO:0052168modulation by symbiont of defense-related host calcium-dependent protein kinase pathway
GO:0052509positive regulation by symbiont of host defense response
GO:0052553modulation by symbiont of host immune response

Parent Functions

GO:0044003modification by symbiont of host morphology or physiology
GO:0052200response to host defenses
GO:0052255modulation by organism of defense response of other organism involved in symbiotic interaction