negative regulation by symbiont of defense-related host MAP kinase-mediated signal transduction pathway

id: GO:0052078
name: negative regulation by symbiont of defense-related host MAP kinase-mediated signal transduction pathway
namespace: biological_process
type: go
obsolete: False

Description: Any process in which an organism stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of host MAP kinase-mediated signal transduction pathways during the host defense response. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction.

Parent Functions

GO:0052037negative regulation by symbiont of host defense response
GO:0052080modulation by symbiont of defense-related host MAP kinase-mediated signal transduction pathway
GO:0052275negative regulation by organism of defense-related MAP kinase-mediated signal transduction pathway in other organism involved in symbiotic interaction
GO:0075132negative regulation by symbiont of host protein kinase-mediated signal transduction