modification of morphology or physiology of other organism via substance secreted by type IV secretion system involved in symbiotic interaction

id: GO:0052208
name: modification of morphology or physiology of other organism via substance secreted by type IV secretion system involved in symbiotic interaction
namespace: biological_process
type: go
obsolete: False

Description: The process in which an organism effects a change in the structure or function of a second organism, mediated by a substance secreted by a type IV secretion system in the first organism, where the two organisms are in a symbiotic interaction.

Child Functions

GO:0052058modification by symbiont of host morphology or physiology via substance secreted by type IV secretion system

Parent Functions

GO:0052209interaction with other organism via substance secreted by type IV secretion system involved in symbiotic interaction
GO:0052212modification of morphology or physiology of other organism via secreted substance involved in symbiotic interaction