branch elongation of an epithelium

id: GO:0060602
name: branch elongation of an epithelium
namespace: biological_process
type: go
obsolete: False

Description: The growth process in which a branch increases in length from its base to its tip.

Child Functions

GO:0060447bud outgrowth involved in lung branching
GO:0060449bud elongation involved in lung branching
GO:0060516primary prostatic bud elongation
GO:0060523prostate epithelial cord elongation
GO:0060654mammary gland cord elongation
GO:0060667branch elongation involved in salivary gland morphogenesis
GO:0060681branch elongation involved in ureteric bud branching
GO:0060751branch elongation involved in mammary gland duct branching

Parent Functions

GO:0003401axis elongation