interaction with host mediated by secreted substance released by symbiont from symbiotic structure

id: GO:0085002
name: interaction with host mediated by secreted substance released by symbiont from symbiotic structure
namespace: biological_process
type: go
obsolete: False

Description: An interaction with the host organism mediated by a symbiont secreted substance released by specialized structures generated in either organisms as a result of the symbiotic interaction. The term host is used for the larger (macro) of the two members of a symbiosis.

Child Functions

GO:0085003interaction with host via secreted substance released from stylet
GO:0085004interaction with host via secreted substance released from haustorium
GO:0085005interaction with host via secreted substance released from invasive hyphae
GO:0085006interaction with host mediated by symbiont secreted substance released from symbiont-containing vacuole
GO:0085007interaction with host via secreted substance released from rhoptry
GO:0085008interaction with host via secreted substance released from microneme
GO:0085009interaction with host mediated by symbiont secreted substance released from Maurer's cleft

Parent Functions

GO:0052048interaction with host via secreted substance involved in symbiotic interaction