negative regulation of canonical Wnt receptor signaling pathway

id: GO:0090090
name: negative regulation of canonical Wnt receptor signaling pathway
namespace: biological_process
type: go
obsolete: False

Description: Any process that decreases the rate, frequency, or extent of the Wnt receptor signaling pathway through beta-catenin, the series of molecular signals initiated by binding of a Wnt protein to a frizzled family receptor on the surface of the target cell, followed by propagation of the signal via beta-catenin, and ending with a change in transcription of target genes.

Child Functions

GO:0060829negative regulation of canonical Wnt receptor signaling pathway involved in neural plate anterior/posterior pattern formation
GO:0072336negative regulation of canonical Wnt receptor signaling pathway involved in neural crest cell differentiation
GO:0090082positive regulation of heart induction by negative regulation of canonical Wnt receptor signaling pathway
GO:2000080negative regulation of canonical Wnt receptor signaling pathway involved in controlling type B pancreatic cell proliferation

Parent Functions

GO:0030178negative regulation of Wnt receptor signaling pathway
GO:0060828regulation of canonical Wnt receptor signaling pathway