The are 15 biclusters regulated by CAC1536 in the network Clostridium_acetobutylicum network.

Bicluster genes residual
44 30 0.486378192312
59 28 0.366331068876
62 26 0.398133060313
75 19 0.343592532062
76 20 0.47889956889
102 24 0.550531099223
177 16 0.31535830542
190 30 0.458708346217
197 13 0.208239702114
219 19 0.333411897629
229 23 0.397183038632
264 24 0.419868091679
281 26 0.419507416782
304 27 0.483959572854
361 20 0.308710207539

view network for these 15 biclusters