The are 19 biclusters regulated by PA1138 in the network Pseudomonas_aeruginosa network.

Bicluster genes residual
22 20 0.452637235991
32 12 0.323088130236
118 16 0.440489154391
158 16 0.394504113134
168 21 0.449605928277
192 29 0.482507055166
203 24 0.576810468199
304 21 0.409823681446
318 19 0.411358457505
373 32 0.520006683327
406 25 0.493889143776
425 25 0.46366744456
441 18 0.511334748365
444 22 0.491701544938
485 15 0.350369244783
505 25 0.56079901998
531 11 0.310899630604
533 14 0.384373135521
542 22 0.495662761495

view network for these 19 biclusters