The are 16 biclusters regulated by PA1397 in the network Pseudomonas_aeruginosa network.

Bicluster genes residual
76 21 0.461318350827
85 25 0.472358698223
106 15 0.42803217622
111 11 0.447207894973
117 31 0.579757676591
124 23 0.455853013939
221 25 0.472363324651
222 20 0.490368117769
249 13 0.518786140415
265 21 0.491705591855
275 15 0.370627897687
380 29 0.553528589996
387 33 0.582553884865
422 21 0.519170767912
496 21 0.469134525206
544 18 0.494685443216

view network for these 16 biclusters