The are 19 biclusters regulated by PA4436 in the network Pseudomonas_aeruginosa network.

Bicluster genes residual
5 16 0.336757687793
54 15 0.400442133226
66 19 0.431139933603
76 21 0.461318350827
142 19 0.491776566541
176 20 0.514101905874
193 22 0.494953459092
215 19 0.526590466808
222 20 0.490368117769
231 26 0.512011570732
234 27 0.562456939401
239 25 0.529992416043
340 23 0.447600711027
365 22 0.489488352463
406 25 0.493889143776
431 19 0.443262282445
491 28 0.535569099497
515 18 0.436478597876
553 19 0.371746076075

view network for these 19 biclusters