MMP1649 MMP1649 ATP/GTP-binding site motif A (P-loop):ABC transporter:AAA ATPase:TOBE domain (NCBI)


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Residual Expression Plot
mmp-bicluster_0005 0.38
mmp-bicluster_0053 0.26
Uniprot NCBI Gene NCBI Protein GI Number MicrobesOnline EnsemblBacteria InterPro EggNOG
Q6LWQ8 2762254 NP_988769.1; 45359212 533856 CAF31205 IPR003593, IPR003439, IPR017871, IPR008995, IPR027417, IPR005116 COG3839
Title Insert TAG Module
Orthologues Paralogues
COG Protein families
(E) COG3842 | ABC-type spermidine/putrescine transport systems, ATPase components ABC transporter superfamily
L1.Cm.T1 L1.Cm.T2 L1.cN.T1 L1.cN.T2 L1.T0 L2.Cm.T1 L2.Cm.T2 L2.cN.T1 L2.cN.T2 L2.T0
45 47 18 9 46 13 17 11 13 18
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