The are 31 biclusters regulated by DVU0679 in the network Desulfovibrio network.

Bicluster genes residual
15 19 0.498352
24 14 0.378826
32 17 0.430506
34 21 0.438101
37 38 0.565858
59 10 0.310919
82 29 0.597931
95 13 0.58206
97 22 0.5456
101 11 0.328493
116 8 0.588266
139 30 0.530975
155 32 0.578219
174 26 0.537029
179 31 0.565686
183 8 0.592206
191 23 0.445286
206 33 0.57701
224 16 0.597133
226 29 0.529165
231 19 0.459386
245 21 0.56497
252 1 1.0
262 26 0.583977
271 7 0.598902
279 30 0.581635
286 25 0.466044
292 25 0.561254
322 18 0.52396
342 29 0.587979
349 1 1.0

view network for these 31 biclusters