MMP0088 MMP0088 Glutamyl-tRNA reductase (NCBI)


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Residual Expression Plot
mmp-bicluster_0039 0.44
mmp-bicluster_0136 0.41
Uniprot NCBI Gene NCBI Protein GI Number MicrobesOnline EnsemblBacteria InterPro EggNOG
Q6M130 2762055 NP_987208.1;WP_011170032.1; 45357651 532266 CAF29644 IPR000343, IPR015896, IPR015895, IPR018214, IPR016040, IPR006151 COG0373
Title Insert TAG Module
Orthologues Paralogues
Catalytic Activity COG EC Description Protein families TIGR Roles
L-glutamate 1-semialdehyde + NADP(+) + tRNA(Glu) = L-glutamyl-tRNA(Glu) + NADPH. {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_00087}. (H) COG373 | Glutamyl-tRNA reductase ( Glutamyl-tRNA reductase. Glutamyl-tRNA reductase family Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers:Heme, porphyrin, and cobalamin
L1.Cm.T1 L1.Cm.T2 L1.cN.T1 L1.cN.T2 L1.T0 L2.Cm.T1 L2.Cm.T2 L2.cN.T1 L2.cN.T2 L2.T0
0 1 1 1 17 0 2 0 0 7
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