Rv0081 transcriptional regulator, ArsR family

Rv0081 (transcriptional regulator, ArsR family) is predicted to be co-regulated in modules bicluster_0143 with residual 0.53 and bicluster_0391 with residual 0.53.

This regulation is possibly mediated by two de-novo identified cis-regulatory motifs in each module with e-values , 0.00 and 130.00 for bicluster_0143 and 0.00 and 0.00 for bicluster_0391 respectively.

These modules are enriched for following go terms: cellular respiration, energy derivation by oxidation of organi..., generation of precursor metabolites and ..., oxidation-reduction process, NADH dehydrogenase activity, oxidoreductase activity, acting on NAD(P..., oxidoreductase activity, acting on NAD(P... .

This gene is found to be for growth on cholesterol.

Mutant available?: Yes

Displaying 351 - 352 of 352
Gene Target Differential Expression Distance Expression pvalue Type
rRNA small subunit 7-methylguanosine (m7G) methyltransferase GidB
No 47 0.12 0.667139 CDS
Protein YidD
No -121 0.29 0.0766282 Internal.TSS
not assigned to any KEGG Pathway.

plasma membrane

plasma membrane

The membrane surrounding a cell that separates the cell from its external environment. It consists of a phospholipid bilayer and associated proteins.
GO Category: 
Total items in this category:  
No TFOE experiment results were found

TRIP log2 fold abundance change

Displaying 1 - 17 of 17
Condition Count Day Doublings Fitness U.I Plots
D0U 27 0 0.00 10.64 U
D3U 3 3 3.83 9.37 U
D5U 17 5 6.00 10.80 U
D7U 19 7 8.14 10.06 U
D14U 4 14 15.63 8.26 U
D17U 3 17 19.15 8.44 U
D21U 4 21 23.23 7.77 U
D24U 3 24 26.60 8.02 U
D28U 4 28 30.61 7.39 U
D3I 3 3 3.83 9.89 I
D5I 9 5 6.00 8.58 I
D7I 18 7 8.14 6.92 I
D14I 4 14 15.63 3.26 I
D17I 3 17 19.15 3.92 I
D21I 4 21 23.23 3.88 I
D24I 3 24 26.60 3.58 I
D28I 4 28 30.61 3.78 I