Organism : Bacillus subtilis | Module List:
Module 54 Profile

GeneModule member RegulatorRegulator MotifMotif
Network Help

A network view of the module is created using cytoscapeWeb and enables dynamic, interactive exploration of the module properties. In this view, module member genes, motifs, and regulatory influences are represented as peripheral nodes connected to core module node via edges.

Module members are green circles, regulators are red triangles and motifs are blue diamonds. Selection of a node gives access to detailed information in a pop-up window, which allows dragging and pinning to compare multiple selections. Selecting module members will show information about the selected gene such as name, species and fucntions. Motif selection will show motif logo image and e-values. Bicluster selction will show expression profile and summary statistics for the module.

GeneModule member RegulatorRegulator MotifMotif
Regulators for Module 54

There are 5 regulatory influences for Module 54

Regulator Table (5)
Regulator Name Type
BSU38700 tf
BSU40410 tf
BSU09560 tf
BSU00330 tf
BSU10840 tf

Regulator Help

For each module, single or AND logic connected regulatory influences are listed under the regulators tab. These regulatory influences are identified by Inferelator. Table shows name of the regulator and its type.

tf: Transcription factor

ef: Environmental factor

combiner: Combinatorial influence of a tf or an ef through logic gate. Table is sortable by clicking on the arrows next to column headers.

Motif information (de novo identified motifs for modules)

There are 2 motifs predicted.

Motif Table (2)
Motif Id e-value Consensus Motif Logo
5066 1.30e-08 a.aaaaAaagaGggG
Loader icon
5067 3.00e+03 AaAaGaAtATt
Loader icon
Motif Help

Transcription factor binding motifs help to elucidate regulatory mechanism. cMonkey integrates powerful de novo motif detection to identify conditionally co-regulated sets of genes. De novo predicted motifs for each module are listed in the module page as motif logo images along with associated prediction statistics (e-values). The main module page also shows the location of these motifs within the upstream sequences of the module member genes.

Motifs of interest can be broadcasted to RegPredict (currently only available for Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough) in order to compare conservation in similar species. This integrated motif prediction and comparative analysis provides an additional checkpoint for regulatory motif prediction confidence.

Motif e-value: cMonkey tries to identify two motifs per modules in the upstream sequences of the module member genes. Motif e-value is an indicative of the motif co-occurences between the members of the module.Smaller e-values are indicative of significant sequence motifs. Our experience showed that e-values smaller than 10 are generally indicative of significant motifs.

Functional Enrichment

Regulon 54 is enriched for following functions.

KEGG Enrichment Table

Function Name Function Type Unadjusted pvalue Benjamini Hochberg pvalue Genes with function Method
Nucleotide Metabolism kegg subcategory 4.50e-03 1.35e-02 3/29
Pyrimidine metabolism kegg pathway 3.35e-04 2.38e-03 3/29
Genetic Information Processing kegg category 2.47e-03 9.45e-03 5/29
Replication and Repair kegg subcategory 2.00e-05 2.72e-04 4/29

TIGRFam Enrichment Table

Function Name Function Type Unadjusted pvalue Benjamini& Hochberg pvalue Genes with function Method
DNA metabolism tigr mainrole 9.00e-06 2.30e-05 5/29
DNA replication, recombination, and repair tigr sub1role 5.00e-06 1.30e-05 5/29

COG Enrichment Table

Function Name Function Type Unadjusted pvalue Benjamini& Hochberg pvalue Genes with function Method
Information storage and processing cog category 1.19e-02 1.89e-02 8/29
Replication, recombination and repair cog subcategory 2.48e-04 5.13e-04 5/29
Function unknown cog subcategory 6.67e-03 1.10e-02 6/29
Functions Help

Biological networks contain sets of regulatory units called functional modules that together play a role in regulation of specific functional processes. Connections between different modules in the network can help identify regulatory relationships such as hierarchy and epistasis. In addition, associating functions with modules enables putative assignment of functions to hypothetical genes. It is therefore essential to identify functional enrichment of modules within the regulatory network.

Functional annotations from single sources are often either not available or not complete. Therefore, we integrated KEGG pathway, Gene Ontology, TIGRFam and COG information as references for functional enrichment analysis.

We use hypergeometric p-values to identify significant overlaps between co-regulated module members and genes assigned to a particular functional annotation category. P-values are corrected for multiple comparisons by using Benjamini-Hochberg correction and filtered for p-values ≤ 0.05.

Network Portal presents functional ontologies from KEGG, GO, TIGRFAM, and COG as separate tables that include function name, type, corrected and uncorrected hypergeometric p-values, and the number of genes assigned to this category out of total number of genes in the module.

Members for Module 54

There are 29 genes in Module 54

Gene Member Table (29)
Name Common name Type Gene ID Chromosome Start End Strand Description TF
BSU00250 xpaC CDS None chromosome 35843 36457 + putative phosphatase (RefSeq) False
BSU00260 yaaN CDS None chromosome 36476 37636 + hypothetical protein (RefSeq) False
BSU00270 yaaO CDS None chromosome 37718 39160 + putative lysine decarboxylase (RefSeq) False
BSU00280 tmk CDS None chromosome 39157 39795 + thymidylate kinase (RefSeq) False
BSU00290 yaaQ CDS None chromosome 39869 40198 + hypothetical protein (RefSeq) False
BSU00300 yaaR CDS None chromosome 40211 40651 + hypothetical protein (RefSeq) False
BSU00310 holB CDS None chromosome 40663 41652 + DNA polymerase III subunit delta' (RefSeq) False
BSU00320 yaaT CDS None chromosome 41655 42482 + hypothetical protein (RefSeq) False
BSU00330 yabA CDS None chromosome 42497 42856 + DNA replication intiation control protein YabA (RefSeq) True
BSU00890 yacL CDS None chromosome 108671 109771 + hypothetical protein (RefSeq) False
BSU04760 ydcG CDS None chromosome 524343 524783 + hypothetical protein (RefSeq) False
BSU08690 ygaD CDS None chromosome 938657 940426 + putative ABC transporter (ATP-binding protein) (RefSeq) False
BSU08960 yhbF CDS None chromosome 971436 972143 + hypothetical protein (RefSeq) False
BSU09640 yhdY CDS None chromosome 1038217 1039332 + putative integral membrane protein; putative small conductance mechano-sensitive channel (RefSeq) False
BSU10620 addB CDS None chromosome 1135625 1139125 + ATP-dependent deoxyribonuclease (subunit B) (RefSeq) False
BSU23050 fmnP CDS None chromosome 2409211 2409783 - FMN permease (RefSeq) False
BSU24850 glcK CDS None chromosome 2569838 2570803 - glucose kinase (RefSeq) False
BSU24860 yqgQ CDS None chromosome 2570814 2571029 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq) False
BSU29230 dnaE CDS None chromosome 2990308 2993655 - DNA polymerase III DnaE (RefSeq) False
BSU33000 htrB CDS None chromosome 3383097 3384473 - HtrA-like serine protease (RefSeq) False
BSU33010 cssR CDS None chromosome 3384751 3385428 + two-component response regulator (RefSeq) True
BSU35160 uvrA CDS None chromosome 3609094 3611967 - excinuclease ABC subunit A (RefSeq) False
BSU35170 uvrB CDS None chromosome 3611975 3613960 - excinuclease ABC subunit B (RefSeq) False
BSU38650 yxlG CDS None chromosome 3966960 3967739 - putative ABC-transporter (permease) (RefSeq) False
BSU38670 yxlE CDS None chromosome 3968630 3968818 - negative regulator of sigma-Y activity (RefSeq) False
BSU38680 yxlD CDS None chromosome 3968815 3969021 - putative sigma-Y antisigma factor component (RefSeq) False
BSU38690 yxlC CDS None chromosome 3969018 3969338 - sigma-Y antisigma factor (RefSeq) False
BSU38700 sigY CDS None chromosome 3969331 3969867 - RNA polymerase sigma factor SigY (RefSeq) True
BSU40060 gntK CDS None chromosome 4113165 4114706 + gluconate kinase (RefSeq) False

Genes Help

Gene member table shows all the genes included in the module. Listed attributes are;

  1. Name: Gene name or Locus tag
  2. Common Name: Gene short name
  3. Type: Type of the feature, usually CDS.
  4. Gene ID: Link to NCBI Gene ID
  5. Chromosome: Chromosome name from annotation file
  6. Start/End:Feature start and end coordinates
  7. Strand: strand of the gene
  8. Description: Description of the gene from annotation file
  9. TF: If the gene is a Transcription Factor or not.

If you are browsing the Network Portal by using Gaggle/Firegoose, firegoose plugin will capture the NameList of the gene members. Captured names can be saved into your Workspace by clicking on "Capture" in the firegoose toolbar or can be directly sent other desktop and web resources by using "Broadcast" option.


What is a module?

Regulatory units (modules) in the Network Portal are based on the network inference algorithm used. For the current version, modules are based on cMonkey modules and Inferelator regulatory influences on these modules. More specifically, module refers to set of genes that are conditionally co-regulated under subset of the conditions. Identification of modules integrates co-expression, de-novo motif identification, and other functional associations such as operon information and protein-protein interactions.

Module Overview

The landing module page shows quick summary info including co-expression profiles, de-novo identified motifs, and transcription factors and/or environmental factors as regulatory influences. It also includes module residual, motif e-values, conditions and links to other resources such as NCBI and Microbesonline. . If a transcription factor is included in the manually curated RegPrecise database, further information from RegPrecise is shown, allowing users to perform comparative analysis.

Expression Profiles

Expression profiles is a plot of the expression ratios (log10) of the module's genes, over all subset of the conditions included in the module. The X-axis represent conditions and the Y-axis represents log10 expression ratios. Each gene is plotted as line plot with different colors. Colored legend for the lines are presented under the plot. This plot is dynamic. Clicking on the gene names in the legend will show/hide the plot for that particular gene. A tooltip will show expression ratio information if you mouseover the lines in the plot.

Motif Locations

Location of the Identified motifs for the module in the upstream regions of the member genes are shown under the expression profiles plot. This plot shows the diagram of the upstream positions of the motifs, colored red and green for motifs #1, and 2, respectively. Intensity of the color is proportional to the significance of the occurence of that motif at a given location. Motifs on the forward and reverse strand are represented over and under the line respectively.


A network view of the module is created using cytoscapeWeb and enables dynamic, interactive exploration of the module properties. In this view, module member genes, motifs, and regulatory influences are represented as peripheral nodes connected to core module node via edges. Module members are green circles, regulators are red triangles and motifs are blue diamonds. Selection of a node gives access to detailed information in a pop-up window, which allows dragging and pinning to compare multiple selections. Selecting module members will show information about the selected gene such as name, species and fucntions. Motif selection will show motif logo image and e-values. Bicluster selction will show expression profile and summary statistics for the module.

GeneModule member RegulatorRegulator MotifMotif


For each module, single or AND logic connected regulatory influences are listed under the regulators tab. These regulatory influences are identified by Inferelator. Table shows name of the regulator and its type. tf: Transcription factor, ef: Environmental factor and combiner:Combinatorial influence of a tf or an ef through logic gate. Tabel is sortable by clicking on the arrows next to column headers.


Transcription factor binding motifs help to elucidate regulatory mechanism. cMonkey integrates powerful de novo motif detection to identify conditionally co-regulated sets of genes. De novo predicted motifs for each module are listed in the module page as motif logo images along with associated prediction statistics (e-values). The main module page also shows the location of these motifs within the upstream sequences of the module member genes.

Motifs of interest can be broadcasted to RegPredict (currently only available for Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough) in order to compare conservation in similar species. This integrated motif prediction and comparative analysis provides an additional checkpoint for regulatory motif prediction confidence.


Biological networks contain sets of regulatory units called functional modules that together play a role in regulation of specific functional processes. Connections between different modules in the network can help identify regulatory relationships such as hierarchy and epistasis. In addition, associating functions with modules enables putative assignment of functions to hypothetical genes. It is therefore essential to identify functional enrichment of modules within the regulatory network.

Functional annotations from single sources are often either not available or not complete. Therefore, we integrated KEGG pathway, Gene Ontology, TIGRFam and COG information as references for functional enrichment analysis.

We use hypergeometric p-values to identify significant overlaps between co-regulated module members and genes assigned to a particular functional annotation category. P-values are corrected for multiple comparisons by using Benjamini-Hochberg correction and filtered for p-values ≤ 0.05.

Network Portal presents functional ontologies from KEGG, GO, TIGRFAM, and COG as separate tables that include function name, type, corrected and uncorrected hypergeometric p-values, and the number of genes assigned to this category out of total number of genes in the module.


Gene member table shows all the genes included in the module. Listed attributes are;

  1. Name: Gene name or Locus tag
  2. Common Name: Gene short name
  3. Type: Type of the feature, usually CDS.
  4. Gene ID: Link to NCBI Gene ID
  5. Chromosome: Chromosome name from annotation file
  6. Start/End:Feature start and end coordinates
  7. Strand: strand of the gene
  8. Description: Description of the gene from annotation file
  9. TF: If the gene is a Transcription Factor or not.

If you are browsing the Network Portal by using Gaggle/Firegoose, firegoose plugin will capture the NameList of the gene members. Captured names can be saved into your Workspace by clicking on "Capture" in the firegoose toolbar or can be directly sent other desktop and web resources by using "Broadcast" option.


You can start a conversation about this module or join the existing discussion by adding your comments. In order to be able to add your comments you need to sign in by using any of the following services;Disqus, Google, Facebook or Twitter. For full compatibility with other network portal features, we recommend using your Google ID.


Residual: is a measure of bicluster quality. Mean bicluster residual is smaller when the expression profile of the genes in the module is "tighter". So smaller residuals are usually indicative of better bicluster quality.

Expression Profile: is a preview of the expression profiles of all the genes under subset of conditions included in the module. Tighter expression profiles are usually indicative of better bicluster quality.

Motif e-value: cMonkey tries to identify two motifs per modules in the upstream sequences of the module member genes. Motif e-value is an indicative of the motif co-occurences between the members of the module.Smaller e-values are indicative of significant sequence motifs. Our experience showed that e-values smaller than 10 are generally indicative of significant motifs.

Genes: Number of genes included in the module.

Functions: We identify functional enrichment of each module by camparing to different functional categories such as KEGG, COG, GO etc. by using hypergeometric function. If the module is significantly enriched for any of the functions, this column will list few of the these functions as an overview. Full list of functions is available upon visiting the module page under the Functions tab.