Inorganic ion transport and metabolism

CD630_10870 - zupT Type: Gene
Product:Putative zinc/iron transporter, ZupT subfamiliy | Pathway: | COG: Inorganic ion transport and metabolism
CD630_10260 - potC Type: Gene
Product:ABC-type transport system, spermidine/putrescinepermease | Pathway: | COG: Inorganic ion transport and metabolism
CD630_10000 - Type: Gene
Product:ABC-type transport system,nitrate/sulfonate/taurine permease | Pathway: | COG: Inorganic ion transport and metabolism
CD630_10010 - Type: Gene
Product:ABC-type transport system,nitrate/sulfonate/taurine ATP-binding protein | Pathway: | COG: Inorganic ion transport and metabolism
CD630_10250 - potB Type: Gene
Product:ABC-type transport system, spermidine/putrescinepermease | Pathway: | COG: Inorganic ion transport and metabolism
CD630_09990 - Type: Gene
Product:ABC-type transport system,nitrate/sulfonate/taurine extracellular solute-bindingprotein | Pathway: | COG: Inorganic ion transport and metabolism
CD630_08530 - oppB Type: Gene
Product:ABC-type transport system, oligopeptide-familypermease | Pathway: | COG: Inorganic ion transport and metabolism
CD630_08540 - oppC Type: Gene
Product:ABC-type transport system, oligopeptide-familypermease | Pathway: | COG: Inorganic ion transport and metabolism
CD630_08560 - oppD Type: Gene
Product:ABC-type transport system, ATP-binding component | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism, Inorganic ion transport and metabolism
CD630_08680 - Type: Gene
Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG: Inorganic ion transport and metabolism