CD630_31440 - Type: Gene
Product:Transcriptional regulator, DeoR family | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
CD630_31490 - Type: Gene
Product:DNA helicase | Pathway: | COG: Replication, recombination and repair
CD630_31170 - bglG Type: Gene
Product:Transcription antiterminator, PTS operonregulator | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
CD630_31530 - Type: Gene
Product:Transcriptional regulator, Phage-type | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
CD630_31330 - Type: Gene
Product:Transcription antiterminator, PTS operonregulator | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
CD630_31200 - Type: Gene
Product:Transcriptional regulator, AbrB family | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
CD630_31540 - Type: Gene
Product:Transcriptional regulator, Phage-type | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
CD630_31560 - Type: Gene
Product:phage integrase | Pathway: | COG: Replication, recombination and repair
CD630_31390 - Type: Gene
Product:Transcriptional regulator, Phage-type | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
CD630_31260 - bglG Type: Gene
Product:Transcription antiterminator, PTS operonregulator | Pathway: | COG: Transcription