CD630_25621 - rpmB Type: Gene
Product:50S ribosomal protein L28 | Pathway: | COG: Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis
CD630_25270 - Type: Gene
Product:Transcriptional regulator, TetR family | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
CD630_25650 - Type: Gene
Product:Transcription antiterminator | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
CD630_24970 - comE Type: Gene
Product:Competence protein ComEA | Pathway: | COG: Replication, recombination and repair
CD630_24660 - Type: Gene
Product:Putative tRNA-nucleotidyltransferase/Poly(A)polymerase family member | Pathway: | COG: Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis
CD630_24740 - Type: Gene
Product:Putative DNA polymerase III, delta subunit | Pathway: | COG: Replication, recombination and repair
CD630_25050 - Type: Gene
Product:Transcriptional regulator, TetR family | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
CD630_25080 - Type: Gene
Product:Transcriptional regulator, AraC family | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
CD630_24930 - selB Type: Gene
Product:Selenocysteinyl-tRNA-specific translation factor | Pathway: | COG: Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis
CD630_25110 - Type: Gene
Product:Transcription antiterminator, PTS operonregulator | Pathway: | COG: Transcription