CD630_01170 - Type: Gene
Product:Putative ferredoxin/flavodoxin oxidoreductase,beta subunit | Pathway: | COG: Energy production and conversion
CD630_01360 - Type: Gene
Product:PTS system, lactose/cellobiose-family IIBcomponent | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_00910 - adk Type: Gene
Product:Adenylate kinase | Pathway: Purine metabolism | COG: Nucleotide transport and metabolism
CD630_00540 - thyX Type: Gene
Product:Thymidylate synthase | Pathway: Pyrimidine metabolism | COG: Nucleotide transport and metabolism
CD630_00370 - acoB Type: Gene
Product:Acetoin dehydrogenase E1 component (TPP-dependentbeta subunit) | Pathway: | COG: Energy production and conversion
CD630_00340 - Type: Gene
Product:Putative xylose transporter, sodium:galactosidesymporter family | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_00410 - Type: Gene
Product:PTS system, galactitol-specific IIA component | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_00210 - pycA Type: Gene
Product:Pyruvate carboxylase | Pathway: | COG: Energy production and conversion
CD630_00430 - Type: Gene
Product:PTS system, galactitol-specific IIC component | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_00480 - ispF Type: Gene
Product:2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphatesynthase | Pathway: Isoprenoid biosynthesis | COG: Lipid transport and metabolism