CD630_31160 - bglF Type: Gene
Product:PTS system, beta-glucoside-specific IIABCcomponent | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_31190 - Type: Gene
Product:Putative UDP-glycosyltransferase, MGT subfamily | Pathway: | COG: Energy production and conversion, Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_31340 - Type: Gene
Product:PTS system, fructose-like IIABC component | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_31210 - Type: Gene
Product:Putative flavodoxin/nitric oxide synthase | Pathway: | COG: Energy production and conversion
CD630_31370 - bglF Type: Gene
Product:PTS system, beta-glucoside-specific IIABCcomponent | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_30610 - Type: Gene
Product:PTS system, alpha-glucoside-specific IIBCcomponent | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_30910 - treA Type: Gene
Product:Trehalose-6-phosphate hydrolase | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_31060 - Type: Gene
Product:Transaldolase | Pathway: Carbohydrate degradation | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_30640 - xylA Type: Gene
Product:Xylose isomerase | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_30790 - bglA Type: Gene
Product:6-phospho-beta-glucosidase | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism