Rv1956 Possible transcriptional regulatory protein

Rv1956 (Possible transcriptional regulatory protein) is predicted to be co-regulated in modules bicluster_0018 with residual 0.62 and bicluster_0090 with residual 0.37.

This regulation is possibly mediated by two de-novo identified cis-regulatory motifs in each module with e-values , 0.55 and 25.00 for bicluster_0018 and 1,600.00 and 1,700.00 for bicluster_0090 respectively.

These modules are enriched for following go terms: .

This gene is found to be for growth on cholesterol.

Mutant available?:

Displaying 11 - 20 of 22
Gene Target Differential Expression Distance Expression pvalue Type
No results were found NA -30 Primary.TSS
Induced -111 0.73 0.0291487 Primary.TSS
ubiquinol cytochrome C oxidoreductase, cytochrome C1 subunit
No 48 -0.05 0.76959 Primary.TSS
Repressed -22 -0.61 0.00183431 Primary.TSS
Glutamine synthetase type I (EC
No -88 -0.16 0.661235 Primary.TSS
Phospholipase C 3 PlcC (EC
No -126 0.47 0.0995724 CDS
No 30 -0.19 0.622957 CDS
ATPases involved in chromosome partitioning
No -37 0.29 0.40484 Internal.TSS
COG2071: predicted glutamine amidotransferases in hypothetical Actinobacterial gene cluster
No -101 0.12 0.46731 CDS
Monooxygenase, flavin-binding family
No 30 1.04 0.124077 Primary.TSS
not assigned to any KEGG Pathway.

response to hypoxia

response to hypoxia

Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a stimulus indicating lowered oxygen tension. Hypoxia, defined as a decline in O2 levels below normoxic levels of 20.8 - 20.95%, results in metabolic adaptation at both the cellular and organismal level.
GO Category: 
Total items in this category:  

negative regulation of growth

negative regulation of growth

Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the rate or extent of growth, the increase in size or mass of all or part of an organism.
GO Category: 
Total items in this category:  

positive regulation of growth

positive regulation of growth

Any process that activates or increases the rate or extent of growth, the increase in size or mass of all or part of an organism.
GO Category: 
Total items in this category:  
No TFOE experiment results were found

TRIP log2 fold abundance change

Displaying 1 - 17 of 17
Condition Count Day Doublings Fitness U.I Plots
D24U 3 24 26.60 13.09 U
D28U 4 28 30.61 13.18 U
D0U 27 0 0.00 14.12 U
D3U 3 3 3.83 13.97 U
D5U 17 5 6.00 13.64 U
D7U 19 7 8.14 13.85 U
D14U 4 14 15.63 13.52 U
D17U 3 17 19.15 13.16 U
D21U 4 21 23.23 13.44 U
D28I 4 28 30.61 13.34 I
D3I 3 3 3.83 13.97 I
D5I 9 5 6.00 13.82 I
D7I 18 7 8.14 14.26 I
D14I 4 14 15.63 13.98 I
D17I 3 17 19.15 13.64 I
D21I 4 21 23.23 13.70 I
D24I 3 24 26.60 13.23 I