
Reactions Summary

Desc Reaction GPR

The ATP-binding Cassette (ABC) Superfamily

cobalt[e] + atp[c] + h2o[c] -> adp[c] + cobalt[c] + pi[c] (CD630_01010 and CD630_01000 and CD630_01020 and CD630_03250 and CD630_03240) or (CD630_03270 and CD630_03260 and CD630_03250 and CD630_03240) or (CD630_04310 and CD630_04300)

Reaction Details

Genes Metabolites Proteins Subsystem
CD630_01010, CD630_01000, CD630_01020, CD630_03250, CD630_03240, CD630_03270, CD630_03260, CD630_03250, CD630_03240, CD630_04310, CD630_04300 cobalt[e], atp[c], h2o[c], adp[c], cobalt[c], pi[c] Q18CI9, Q18CJ0, Q18CJ3, Q18D62, Q18D63, Q18D67, Q18D68, Q18D62, Q18D63, Q188L7, Q188L8 ATP-driven transport