
Reactions Summary

Desc Reaction GPR

D-fructose transport phosphotransferase

fru[e] + pepyr[c] -> fru1p[c] + pyr[c] (CD630_31340) or (CD630_02060 and CD630_02070 and CD630_02080) or (CD630_32780 and CD630_32790 and CD630_32770 and CD630_32760) or (CD630_10740 and CD630_10760 and CD630_10770 and CD630_10780) or (CD630_04910 and CD630_04920 and CD630_04930 and CD630_04940) or (CD630_02860 and CD630_02870 and CD630_02880 and CD630_02890) or (CD630_02840 and CD630_02850) or (CD630_36290 and CD630_36300)

Reaction Details

Genes Metabolites Proteins Subsystem
CD630_31340, CD630_02060, CD630_02070, CD630_02080, CD630_32780, CD630_32790, CD630_32770, CD630_32760, CD630_10740, CD630_10760, CD630_10770, CD630_10780, CD630_04910, CD630_04920, CD630_04930, CD630_04940, CD630_02860, CD630_02870, CD630_02880, CD630_02890, CD630_02840, CD630_02850, CD630_36290, CD630_36300 fru[e], pepyr[c], fru1p[c], pyr[c] Q184X2, Q18CU5, Q18CU4, Q18CU9, Q180C3, Q180C2, Q180C1, Q180B9, Q18AT0, Q18AS8, Q18AS7, Q18AT2, Q188T5, Q188T4, Q188T3, Q188T9, Q18D29, Q18D28, Q18D27, Q18D26, Q18D24, Q18D23, Q181N0, Q181N4 PEP-dependent transporter