CD630_28550 - Type: Gene
Product:Putative NAD(P)-binding oxidoreductase | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_28700 - kdgT1 Type: Gene
Product:2-keto-3-deoxygluconate permease 1 | Pathway: | COG: Inorganic ion transport and metabolism
CD630_28720 - uxaA Type: Gene
Product:Fragment of C-terminal D-galactatedehydratase/Altronate hydrolase | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_28260 - Type: Gene
Product:Putative aldolase | Pathway: | COG: Energy production and conversion
CD630_28280 - Type: Gene
Product:Putative pyridoxal phosphate-dependenttransferase | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
CD630_28290 - Type: Gene
Product:Putative membrane protein | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism, Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_28120 - Type: Gene
Product:Putative gluconate permease | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism, Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_28190 - Type: Gene
Product:Putative amino acid racemase | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
CD630_28220 - Type: Gene
Product:Putative glutamate carboxypeptidase, M20 family | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
CD630_27800 - pgm Type: Gene
Product:Alpha-phosphoglucomutase | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism