CD630_28130 - garR Type: Gene
Product:Tartronate semialdehyde reductase | Pathway: | COG: Lipid transport and metabolism
CD630_28250 - Type: Gene
Product:Putative flavodoxin | Pathway: | COG: Energy production and conversion
CD630_27450 - apt Type: Gene
Product:Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) | Pathway: Purine metabolism | COG: Nucleotide transport and metabolism
CD630_27340 - Type: Gene
Product:Putative Na+/H+ antiporter, NhaC family | Pathway: | COG: Energy production and conversion
CD630_27550 - ptsI Type: Gene
Product:PTS system, EI component | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_27330 - Type: Gene
Product:Putative pyridoxal phosphate-dependenttransferase | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
CD630_27470 - Type: Gene
Product:Putative ubiquinone biosynthesis protein | Pathway: | COG: Coenzyme transport and metabolism
CD630_27620 - uppS Type: Gene
Product:Putative undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthetase | Pathway: | COG: Lipid transport and metabolism
CD630_27380 - Type: Gene
Product:Putative cytosine permease | Pathway: | COG: Nucleotide transport and metabolism
CD630_27410 - hemZ Type: Gene
Product:Coproporphyrinogen III oxidase | Pathway: | COG: Coenzyme transport and metabolism