CD630_26330 - Type: Gene
Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG: Energy production and conversion
CD630_26450 - Type: Gene
Product:ABC-type transport system, sugar-familyextracellular solute-binding protein | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_26250 - Type: Gene
Product:Putative membrane protein | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_26300 - gpsA Type: Gene
Product:Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)+)(NAD(P)H-dependent glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) | Pathway: Membrane lipid metabolism | COG: Energy production and conversion
CD630_26700 - appF Type: Gene
Product:ABC-type transport system, ATP-binding protein | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
CD630_26730 - appB Type: Gene
Product:ABC-type transport system, oligopeptide-familypermease protein | Pathway: | COG: Inorganic ion transport and metabolism
CD630_26760 - thlA2 Type: Gene
Product:Acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase 2 | Pathway: | COG: Lipid transport and metabolism
CD630_26660 - ptsG-A Type: Gene
Product:PTS system, glucose-specific IIA component | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
CD630_25880 - gmk Type: Gene
Product:Guanylate kinase (GMP kinase) | Pathway: | COG: Nucleotide transport and metabolism
CD630_25910 - ltaE Type: Gene
Product:Low specificity L-threonine aldolase | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism