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Clostridioides difficile causes >500,000 infections, >30,000 deaths, and > $5 billion/year in US healthcare costs, and rates continue to rise. Antimicrobial therapy that ablates the commensal microbiota commonly triggers infection, allowing the pathogen to proliferate and release toxins that damage host mucosal surfaces. Resistance to commonly prescribed antibiotics occurs in >20% of patient isolates, a problem that confounds treatment and increases risks for recurrent infections. In this research program, we are building predictive and mechanistic models to define mechanisms by which C. difficile responds to antibiotics, host and microbiota-origin factors, and to develop therapeutic interventions to prevent colonization, infection and recurrence of C. difficile.

Enter your search term. e.g "CD630_11990", "spoIIIAH", "CD630_20320", "ArgB", "Acetylglutamate kinase", "GO:0003755" etc.
Put quotes around phrases to match all the words : "fatty acid". You can require or exclude terms using + and -

You can use this tool to quickly check enrichment of your gene set in any of the regulatory network modules.

You can use above "condition block" tags to quickly see modules in which expression of module genes are either downregulated (1st Q condition block) or upregulated (5th Q condition block)