Environment and Gene Regulatory Influence Network (EGRIN) model for C. difficile 630

The Environment and Gene Regulatory Influence Network (EGRIN) model of C. difficile 630 was inferred using cMonkey2 and a compendium of 136 transcriptomes (retrieved from the Gene Expression Omnibus repository) with 4,070 sequence features including 35 rRNAs and 90 tRNAs . The C. difficile EGRIN model groups genes in subsets (406 modules in total), that are co-regulated in specific environments, and also identifies the associated, putative cis-acting gene regulatory elements (GREs), which represent potential TF binding locations. Transcriptome compendium included conditions: response to iron limitation, response to oxygen, in vivo vs in vitro growth, short term infection (0, 30, 60, 120 mins), response to commensals and host diet, transition from exponential to stationary phase, fur KO, codY KO, sporulation TF (and sigma factors) KOs.

Explore Regulatory Modules

Displaying 51 - 60 of 406

Candidate transcriptional regulators for each module were determined with a linear regression based approach (Inferelator) and by evaluating the statistical significance of the overlap (Hypergeometric) between modules and putative TF and alternative sigma factor regulons (CcpA, CodY, Fur, PrdR, SigB, SigD, SigE, SigF, SigG, SigH, SigK, Spo0A) compiled from available literature.

* Given that translation start was used to define the 3' end of putative promoters, some cis-regulatory motifs are likely to be ribosome binding sites (i.e., Shine-Dalgarno sequence). RBS is typically a six nucleotide sequence 5'-GGAGGA-3'.

Filter by Module number e.g "401"
Filter by residual ( less than)
Filter by short name e.g "codY"
Title Gene Count Motif 1 e-value Motif 2 e-value Residual Expression TF Influences
Module_3 24
  • CD630_33640 - Type: Gene
    Product:ABC-type transport system, multidrug-familyATP-binding protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_33620 - Type: Gene
    Product:ABC-type transport system, multidrug-familypermease | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_13000 - pepA Type: Gene
    Product:Leucine aminopeptidase | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
  • CD630_31610 - Type: Gene
    Product:ABC-type transport system, multidrug-familypermease | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_33581 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_30780 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative membrane protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_30820 - Type: Gene
    Product:PTS system, lactose/cellobiose-family IIBcomponent | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
  • CD630_30750 - tagABC Type: Gene
    Product:PTS system, tagatose-specific IIABC component | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
  • CD630_20320 - argB Type: Gene
    Product:Acetylglutamate kinase | Pathway: Amino-acid biosynthesis | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
  • CD630_31620 - Type: Gene
    Product:ABC-type transport system, multidrug-familyATP-binding protein | Pathway: | COG: Defense mechanisms
  • CD630_30770 - Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, RpiR family | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  • CD630_33590 - Type: Gene
    Product:ABC-type transport system, ATP-binding protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_20340 - argC Type: Gene
    Product:N-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate reductase | Pathway: Amino-acid biosynthesis | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
  • CD630_31600 - Type: Gene
    Product:ABC-type transport system, multidrug-familypermease | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_20330 - argJ Type: Gene
    Product:Arginine biosynthesis bifunctional protein ArgJ[Includes: Glutamate N-acetyltransferase ; Amino-acidacetyltransferase] | Pathway: Amino-acid biosynthesis | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
  • CD630_33630 - Type: Gene
    Product:ABC-type transport system, multidrug-familypermease | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_30810 - Type: Gene
    Product:PTS system, lactose/cellobiose-family IICcomponent | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
  • CD630_30830 - Type: Gene
    Product:Transcription antiterminator, PTS operonregulator | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  • CD630_30790 - bglA Type: Gene
    Product:6-phospho-beta-glucosidase | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
  • CD630_20310 - argM Type: Gene
    Product:Succinylornithine transaminase (ACOAT) | Pathway: Amino-acid biosynthesis | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
  • CD630_12990 - Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, MarR family | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  • CD630_30740 - Type: Gene
    Product:tagatose-bisphosphate aldolase | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
  • CD630_20300 - argF Type: Gene
    Product:Ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OTCase) | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
  • CD630_30760 - tagK Type: Gene
    Product:Tagatose-6-phosphate kinase | Pathway: Carbohydrate metabolism | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
0.01 0.64 0.39 Inferelator: 3
Hypergeometric: 0

TF Influences from Inferelator

  1. CD630_02760 - Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, AraC family | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  2. CD630_30940 - Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, sigma-54-dependent | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  3. CD630_36390 - Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, LysR family | Pathway: | COG: Transcription

TF Influences from Hypergeometric Test

No TF Influences from the hypergeometric test
Module_243 21
  • CD630_24950 - selA Type: Gene
    Product:L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) selenium transferase(Selenocysteine synthase) (Sec synthase)(Selenocysteinyl-tRNA(Sec) synthase ) | Pathway: Aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
  • CD630_24980 - dacF Type: Gene
    Product:D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase (putativesporulation-specific penicillin-binding protein) | Pathway: | COG: Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis
  • CD630_24930 - selB Type: Gene
    Product:Selenocysteinyl-tRNA-specific translation factor | Pathway: | COG: Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis
  • CD630_35140 - prs Type: Gene
    Product:Ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase | Pathway: Metabolic intermediate biosynthesis | COG: Nucleotide transport and metabolism
  • CD630_01940 - groL Type: Gene
    Product:60 kDa chaperonin (Protein Cpn60) (GroELprotein) | Pathway: | COG: Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones
  • CD630_25240 - nadD Type: Gene
    Product:Nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase | Pathway: Cofactor biosynthesis | COG: Coenzyme transport and metabolism
  • CD630_24970 - comE Type: Gene
    Product:Competence protein ComEA | Pathway: | COG: Replication, recombination and repair
  • CD630_25230 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative hydrolase | Pathway: | COG: Coenzyme transport and metabolism
  • CD630_24960 - selD Type: Gene
    Product:Selenide, water dikinase (Selenophosphatesynthetase) (Selenium donor protein) | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
  • CD630_27290 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative regulator of the sigma(E) factor | Pathway: | COG: Signal transduction mechanisms
  • CD630_01930 - groS Type: Gene
    Product:10 kDa chaperonin (Protein Cpn10) (GroESprotein) | Pathway: | COG: Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones
  • CD630_21770 - Type: Gene
    Product:ABC-type transport system,cystine/aminoacid-family extracellular solute-bindingprotein | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
  • CD630_25220 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_21760 - Type: Gene
    Product:ABC-type transport system,cystine/aminoacid-family permease | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
  • CD630_35150 - glmU Type: Gene
    Product:Bifunctional protein GlmU [Includes:UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase ;Glucosamine-1-phosphate N-acetyltransferase] | Pathway: Nucleotide-sugar biosynthesis | COG: Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis
  • CD630_27310 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative membrane protein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_21720 - Type: Gene
    Product:ABC-type transport system,cystine/aminoacid-family ATP-binding protein | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
  • CD630_21750 - Type: Gene
    Product:ABC-type transport system,cystine/aminoacid-family permease | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
  • CD630_21740 - Type: Gene
    Product:ABC-type transport system,cystine/aminoacid-family extracellular solute-bindingprotein | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism, Signal transduction mechanisms
  • CD630_27300 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_21730 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative peptidase, M20D family | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
1.2 NA 0.39 Inferelator: 1
Hypergeometric: 1

TF Influences from Inferelator

  1. CD630_27220 - Type: Gene
    Product:Two-component response regulator | Pathway: | COG: Signal transduction mechanisms

TF Influences from Hypergeometric Test

  1. CD630_32450 - prdR Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, sigma-54-dependent | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
Module_358 23
  • CD630_02500 - fliH Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar assembly protein FliH | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02490 - fliG Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar motor switch protein FliG | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02640 - flhF Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar biosynthesis regulator FlhF(Flagella-associated GTP-binding protein) | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02470 - fliE Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar hook-basal body complex protein FliE | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02600 - fliP Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar biosynthesis protein FliP | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02660 - sigD Type: Gene
    Product:RNA polymerase sigma-28 factor for flagellaroperon | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  • CD630_02520 - fliJ Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar protein FliJ | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02620 - flhB Type: Gene
    Product:Bifunctional flagellar biosynthesis proteinFliR/FlhB | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02560 - motA Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar motor rotation protein MotA | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02540 - flgD Type: Gene
    Product:Basal-body rod modification protein FlgD | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02580 - fliL Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar basal body-associated protein FliL | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02480 - fliF Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar M-ring protein FliF | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02650 - flhG Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar number regulator FlhG | Pathway: | COG: Cell cycle control, cell division, chromosome partitioning
  • CD630_02510 - fliI Type: Gene
    Product:ATP synthase subunit beta FliI | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility, Intracellular trafficking, secretion, and vesicular transport
  • CD630_02550 - flgE Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar hook protein FlgE (Distal rod protein) | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02551 - FlbD Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar protein FlbD | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02530 - fliK Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar hook-length control protein FliK | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02460 - flgC Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgC | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02670 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative flagellar protein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_02570 - motB Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar motor rotation protein MotB (Chemotaxisprotein MotB) | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02630 - flhA Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhA | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02610 - fliQ Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar biosynthetic protein FliQ | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02590 - fliZ Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar protein FliZ | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
NA NA 0.39 Inferelator: 2
Hypergeometric: 1

TF Influences from Inferelator

  1. CD630_02660 - sigD Type: Gene
    Product:RNA polymerase sigma-28 factor for flagellaroperon | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  2. CD630_22140 - SinR Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, HTH-type | Pathway: | COG: Transcription

TF Influences from Hypergeometric Test

  1. CD630_02660 - sigD Type: Gene
    Product:RNA polymerase sigma-28 factor for flagellaroperon | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
Module_56 21
  • CD630_09180 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_09260 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage protein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_09380 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_09190 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage protein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_09340 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage protein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_09270 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage DNA modification methylase | Pathway: | COG: Replication, recombination and repair
  • CD630_09350 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependentmethyltransferase | Pathway: | COG: Replication, recombination and repair
  • CD630_09290 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_09170 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage recombination protein Bet | Pathway: | COG: Replication, recombination and repair
  • CD630_09300 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage reductase | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_09280 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage protein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_09250 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage protein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_09360 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage endodeoxyribonuclease | Pathway: | COG: Replication, recombination and repair
  • CD630_09370 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage anti-repressor | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  • CD630_09210 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage protein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_09301 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage protein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_09120 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage DNA-binding protein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_09330 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage protein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_09220 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage protein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_09320 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage protein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_09310 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phage protein | Pathway: | COG:
NA NA 0.39 Inferelator: 2
Hypergeometric: 0

TF Influences from Inferelator

  1. CD630_22140 - SinR Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, HTH-type | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  2. CD630_30540 - Type: Gene
    Product:Two-component response regulator | Pathway: | COG: Signal transduction mechanisms

TF Influences from Hypergeometric Test

No TF Influences from the hypergeometric test
Module_109 26
  • CD630_19070 - eutG Type: Gene
    Product:Ethanolamine iron-dependent Alcoholdehydrogenase | Pathway: | COG: Energy production and conversion
  • CD630_01100 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein, CHP00159 family | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_12110 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative N-acetyltransferase | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  • CD630_12130 - spoIVB Type: Gene
    Product:Stage IV sporulation protein B, peptidase S55family | Pathway: | COG: Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis
  • CD630_13560 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative CBS domain-containing protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_23860 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_23840 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative diguanylate cyclase signaling protein | Pathway: | COG: Signal transduction mechanisms
  • CD630_24560 - Type: Gene
    Product:ABC-type transport system, sugar-familyATP-binding protein | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
  • CD630_09970 - Type: Gene
    Product:Two-component sensor histidine kinase | Pathway: | COG: Signal transduction mechanisms
  • CD630_25390 - rnz Type: Gene
    Product:Ribonuclease Z (RNase Z) (tRNase Z) (tRNA 3endonuclease) | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_22020 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative Na+/solute symporter, SSS family | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
  • CD630_19450 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative enzyme | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
  • CD630_12120 - bltD Type: Gene
    Product:Diamine N-acetyltransferase | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  • CD630_27510 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_12140 - spo0A Type: Gene
    Product:Stage 0 sporulation protein A | Pathway: | COG: Signal transduction mechanisms
  • CD630_23850 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative diguanylate cyclase signaling protein | Pathway: | COG: Signal transduction mechanisms
  • CD630_01110 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_23830 - Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, sigma-54-dependent | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  • CD630_23780 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative membrane protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_20480 - Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, RpiR family | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  • CD630_19920 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative lipoprotein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_24570 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  • CD630_25380 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative lipoprotein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_11560 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_19460 - Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, AraC family | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  • CD630_22030 - Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, TetR family | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
0.0000000023 0.03 0.39 Inferelator: 2
Hypergeometric: 0

TF Influences from Inferelator

  1. CD630_22140 - SinR Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, HTH-type | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  2. CD630_23900 - Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, beta-lactamsrepressor | Pathway: | COG: Transcription

TF Influences from Hypergeometric Test

No TF Influences from the hypergeometric test
Module_129 24
  • CD630_29630 - ldtcd1 Type: Gene
    Product:L,D-transpeptidases | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_11420 - rnfB Type: Gene
    Product:Electron transport complex protein | Pathway: | COG: Energy production and conversion
  • CD630_03510 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_11400 - rnfE Type: Gene
    Product:Electron transport complex protein | Pathway: | COG: Energy production and conversion
  • CD630_23510 - grdB Type: Gene
    Product:Glycine reductase complex component B gammasubunit (selenocysteine) | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_14090 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative competence-damage inducible protein,CinA family | Pathway: | COG: Coenzyme transport and metabolism
  • CD630_25590 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG: Replication, recombination and repair
  • CD630_27680 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative cell-wall hydrolase | Pathway: | COG: Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis
  • CD630_25610 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative phosphatase | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_23490 - grdC Type: Gene
    Product:Glycine reductase complex component C subunitbeta (Protein PC beta) | Pathway: | COG: Energy production and conversion
  • CD630_16920 - Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, ArsR family | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  • CD630_11390 - rnfG Type: Gene
    Product:Electron transport complex protein | Pathway: | COG: Energy production and conversion
  • CD630_03500 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative hydrolase, HAD superfamily | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_25570 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_29620 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_11370 - rnfC Type: Gene
    Product:Electron transport complex protein | Pathway: | COG: Energy production and conversion
  • CD630_11410 - rnfA Type: Gene
    Product:Electron transport complex protein | Pathway: | COG: Energy production and conversion
  • CD630_25580 - coaD Type: Gene
    Product:Phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase(Pantetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase) | Pathway: Cofactor biosynthesis | COG: Coenzyme transport and metabolism
  • CD630_16930 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative dinitrogenase iron-molybdenum cofactor | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_14100 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative hydrolase, HAD superfamily, subfamilyIIB | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_25600 - recG Type: Gene
    Product:ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecG | Pathway: | COG: Replication, recombination and repair
  • CD630_23480 - grdD Type: Gene
    Product:Glycine reductase complex component C subunitalpha (Protein PC alpha) | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_11380 - rnfD Type: Gene
    Product:Electron transport complex protein | Pathway: | COG: Energy production and conversion
0.06 NA 0.40 Inferelator: 1
Hypergeometric: 1

TF Influences from Inferelator

  1. CD630_16930 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative dinitrogenase iron-molybdenum cofactor | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown

TF Influences from Hypergeometric Test

  1. CD630_32450 - prdR Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, sigma-54-dependent | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
Module_372 7
  • CD630_33690 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_13820 - glpK2 Type: Gene
    Product:Glycerol kinase 1 (ATP:glycerol3-phosphotransferase 1) (Glycerokinase 1) (GK 1) | Pathway: Polyol metabolism | COG: Energy production and conversion
  • CD630_22850 - Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, GntR family | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  • CD630_19050 - Type: Gene
    Product:Site-specific recombinase, resolvase family | Pathway: | COG: Replication, recombination and repair
  • CD630_24190 - Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, AraC family | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  • CD630_01600 - Type: Gene
    Product:Two-component response regulator | Pathway: | COG: Signal transduction mechanisms
  • CD630_14930 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase | Pathway: | COG: Replication, recombination and repair
5.8 NA 0.40 Inferelator: 2
Hypergeometric: 0

TF Influences from Inferelator

  1. CD630_18830 - Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, AraC family | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  2. CD630_20230 - Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, GntR family | Pathway: | COG: Transcription

TF Influences from Hypergeometric Test

No TF Influences from the hypergeometric test
Module_165 5
  • CD630_11140 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative conjugative transposon proteinTn1549-like, CTn4-Orf5 | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_07660 - srlEb Type: Gene
    Product:PTS system, sorbitol-specific IIB C-terminalcomponent (Glucitol) | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
  • CD630_03150 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_07650 - srlEa Type: Gene
    Product:PTS system, sorbitol-specific IIB N-terminalcomponent (Glucitol) | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
  • CD630_33410 - Type: Gene
    Product:Fragment of putative conjugative transposonprotein Tn916-like, CTn6-Orf18 (N-terminal region) | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
NA NA 0.40 Inferelator: 1
Hypergeometric: 0

TF Influences from Inferelator

  1. CD630_07630 - srlM Type: Gene
    Product:Sorbitol operon activator protein (Glucitol) | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown

TF Influences from Hypergeometric Test

No TF Influences from the hypergeometric test
Module_295 20
  • CD630_01870 - pyrE Type: Gene
    Product:Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (OPRT)(OPRTase) | Pathway: Pyrimidine metabolism | COG: Nucleotide transport and metabolism
  • CD630_07450 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative OmpA/MotB proton channel | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02680 - flgG1 Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar hook-basal body complex protein FlgG1 | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_01860 - pyrD Type: Gene
    Product:Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase catalytic subunit | Pathway: Pyrimidine metabolism | COG: Nucleotide transport and metabolism
  • CD630_01840 - pyrB Type: Gene
    Product:Aspartate carbamoyltransferase (Aspartatetranscarbamylase) (ATCase) | Pathway: Pyrimidine metabolism | COG: Nucleotide transport and metabolism
  • CD630_21190 - thrB Type: Gene
    Product:Homoserine kinase (HSK) (HK) | Pathway: Amino-acid biosynthesis | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
  • CD630_02730 - htpG Type: Gene
    Product:Heat shock protein 90 (Heat shock proteinHtpG)(High temperature protein G) | Pathway: | COG: Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones
  • CD630_02700 - fliM Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar motor switch protein FliM | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_02690 - flgG Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar basal body rod protein FlgG | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_21180 - thrC Type: Gene
    Product:Threonine synthase | Pathway: | COG: Amino acid transport and metabolism
  • CD630_02710 - fliN Type: Gene
    Product:Flagellar motor switch phosphatase FliN | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_23670 - Type: Gene
    Product:ABC-type transport system, multidrug-familypermease | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_07440 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative MotA/TolQ/ExbB proton channel | Pathway: | COG: Cell motility
  • CD630_23610 - Type: Gene
    Product:ABC-type transport system,nitrate/sulfonate/taurine ATP-binding protein | Pathway: | COG: Inorganic ion transport and metabolism
  • CD630_23630 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_23650 - Type: Gene
    Product:ABC-type transport system,nitrate/sulfonate/taurine extracellular solute-bindingprotein | Pathway: | COG: Inorganic ion transport and metabolism
  • CD630_01850 - pyrK Type: Gene
    Product:Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase electron transfersubunit | Pathway: | COG: Energy production and conversion
  • CD630_23640 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG:
  • CD630_23660 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_02720 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
0 2.2 0.40 Inferelator: 0
Hypergeometric: 1

TF Influences from Inferelator

No TF influences from Inferelator

TF Influences from Hypergeometric Test

  1. CD630_02660 - sigD Type: Gene
    Product:RNA polymerase sigma-28 factor for flagellaroperon | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
Module_121 20
  • CD630_27720 - tuaG Type: Gene
    Product:Putative glycosyl transferase, family 2 | Pathway: | COG: Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis
  • CD630_27730 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative glycosyl transferase, family 2 | Pathway: | COG: Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis
  • CD630_15570 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative peptidylprolyl isomerase | Pathway: | COG: Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones
  • CD630_27710 - rkpK Type: Gene
    Product:UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase | Pathway: | COG: Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis
  • CD630_27750 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative glycerophosphotransferase | Pathway: | COG: Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis
  • CD630_15560 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative polysaccharide deacetylase | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
  • CD630_27760 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative glycosyl transferase, family 2 | Pathway: | COG: Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis
  • CD630_15590 - rsiV Type: Gene
    Product:Anti Sigma Factor, ECF family | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_27740 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative glycosyl transferase, family 2 | Pathway: | COG: Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis
  • CD630_27800 - pgm Type: Gene
    Product:Alpha-phosphoglucomutase | Pathway: | COG: Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
  • CD630_15610 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative dehydrogenase | Pathway: | COG: Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones
  • CD630_27780 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative glycosyl transferase | Pathway: | COG: Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis
  • CD630_15580 - sigV Type: Gene
    Product:Extra-Cytoplasmic Function sigma factors, ECFfamily | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  • CD630_15600 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_27690 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative polysaccharide biosynthesis protein | Pathway: | COG: Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis
  • CD630_27700 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative glycosyl transferase, group 1 | Pathway: | COG: Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis
  • CD630_27820 - cwp7 Type: Gene
    Product:Cell wall binding protein | Pathway: | COG: Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis
  • CD630_15620 - Type: Gene
    Product:Conserved hypothetical protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
  • CD630_27790 - manC Type: Gene
    Product:Putative mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase | Pathway: | COG: Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis
  • CD630_27770 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative membrane protein | Pathway: | COG: Function unknown
NA NA 0.40 Inferelator: 3
Hypergeometric: 0

TF Influences from Inferelator

  1. CD630_10230 - Type: Gene
    Product:Putative transcriptional regulator, HTH | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  2. CD630_11770 - fapR Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, DeoR family (Fattyacid and phospholipid biosynthesis regulator) | Pathway: | COG: Transcription
  3. CD630_16860 - Type: Gene
    Product:Transcriptional regulator, repressor-like | Pathway: | COG: Transcription

TF Influences from Hypergeometric Test

No TF Influences from the hypergeometric test